Really nice meeting you. You were a lot cuter than I had anticipated.
Hope you can work your way out of the web of the society. Not going to be easy but is doable. Best of luck with that…..
i was suspossed to go to the meeting today, gotta to keep up the pretense in order to facillitate my fade.
instead i had nice lie in, i visited my non-witness dad, and then met up with my first aspostate from this site mr. majestic.. i didn't want to go to the meeting because meetings make me angry, i can now see the techniques used to control the congregation by fear.
i can't stand the thought that so many good people are being fed a banquet of lies and deception.. i could so easily never attend again..
Really nice meeting you. You were a lot cuter than I had anticipated.
Hope you can work your way out of the web of the society. Not going to be easy but is doable. Best of luck with that…..
while i'm waiting for mr. right i'm getting a cat to keep me company.
i love animals and it will be my first cat.
her name is java.
Mr. M, what if I don't believe in the trinity ?
Trust me Newborn, if you met me your multiple screaming of the words ‘ OH MY GOD..!!!!’ would prove my divinity and you would become an avid believer of mine; no more proof would be necessary.
while i'm waiting for mr. right i'm getting a cat to keep me company.
i love animals and it will be my first cat.
her name is java.
I thought you had found Mr Right!
She ain’t found Mr Right because she ain’t found Mr. Majestic.
A bit like the trinity; we are one and the same…… and there’s enough of me for everybody…..
I know I was too fast this time again.
I must confess I've never had that problem.......
while i'm waiting for mr. right i'm getting a cat to keep me company.
i love animals and it will be my first cat.
her name is java.
I just love little pussies…… so much fun….
i'm coming back to the uk and will be in town for the 4th november (unfortunately besty and the podlets won't be coming with me) but i would love to meet up with y'all.
especially as i missed the last one.
so, who's up for wagamama's, covent garden, on wednesday 4th november 2009.
Mr Majestic?
diva and the Borg
Hang on……!! How did I get dragged into this……????
Oooh……. Okaaaay then…..
Should be able to make it, although I am on the game later that night so might have to dash off a bit sharpish…..(only kidding……’s the next night I'm busy)
assuming the bible true:.
thinking of the story of the way that jehovah, through samuel and saul, dealt with the amalekites; with the discovery of the criminal gene, could this justify the god of the bibles actions against these nations, when he put out the order to not have compassion for them, and the israelites were ordered to put to death, man as well as woman, child as well as suckling...??
Another of these topics. How about babies? He has everyone die. How about the
old woman waiting for the bus with the bucket over there? He has everyone
die--it's part and parcel of the package, God's prerogative, etc. How about 800
people in a battle in 700 BC? If He didn't have them die then, He's have had
them die later. He has everyone die now--what are you worried about 800 people
in 700 BC for? He has everyone die. You got some people that don't die, that
would be a bigger deal.
So with that kind of reasoning, what actually is wrong with genocide, or murder come to that…?? They really are the kindest thing we could do for people. It saves people going through the rigors of old age and the slow decaying of their bodies. Lets just kill everybody and get the inevitable done with….
If such is the case why create man on earth in the first place, if everyone is just going to die anyway..? Do you think that the god of the bible actually gets off on human suffering…?? It is his ‘prerogative’ after all….
assuming the bible true:.
thinking of the story of the way that jehovah, through samuel and saul, dealt with the amalekites; with the discovery of the criminal gene, could this justify the god of the bibles actions against these nations, when he put out the order to not have compassion for them, and the israelites were ordered to put to death, man as well as woman, child as well as suckling...??
It is not surprising that the WTS dances around Deut. 2:34 and 3:6 with no comment on the execution of the "little children." This was a point that jumped out at me when I first started reading the Bible and not just the publications and their carefully selected scriptures. I never have gotten an explanation for why little bablies would be killed as if they were just cockroaches.
I never got an answer either Blondie, despite asking numerous times. I fell for the old ‘put it on the back burner and it will be revealed to you’ cliché, and I am embarrassed to confess that I knew about those kind of scriptures even before I went back to the 'truth'. I never related to the god of the bible because of the harshness of him and the ‘Law’, and so I waited patiently for a pertinent and valid explanation, but after 10 years you cotton on that there is no justification at all. He is a wicked bastard….!!
Yeah, you have pulled an overweight balding middle aged geek!!!
My favourite..!! (he says drawling at the mouth….) Don’t suppose you play the banjo…?? (never mind….)
Sorry to hear your JW friends are drying up. It happens unfortunately. Look forward to hearing from you…..
assuming the bible true:.
thinking of the story of the way that jehovah, through samuel and saul, dealt with the amalekites; with the discovery of the criminal gene, could this justify the god of the bibles actions against these nations, when he put out the order to not have compassion for them, and the israelites were ordered to put to death, man as well as woman, child as well as suckling...??
That’s a great answer. There really is no justification I can see that could allow the god of the bible to kill innocent babies, and I can only see that people who are happy with a god like that are actually worse than if they condoned paedophiles, because at least with paedophilia that child has the rest of its life, ruined admittedly, but a chance to heal. The god of the bible didn’t even offer that, and then hypocritically condemned the peoples that were around Israel for burning their children in the fire. So to stop that terrible thing happening he kills every last one of them. So the babies were fu*ked anyway….. Such a ‘loving’ god…..!!
It is the lack of coherence that completely blows any chance of justification away. The god of the bible is a baby murderer, plain and simple…
As for meeting up, that sounds like fun. Send me a PM with your email and I will get back to you….. (think I've pulled..)
assuming the bible true:.
thinking of the story of the way that jehovah, through samuel and saul, dealt with the amalekites; with the discovery of the criminal gene, could this justify the god of the bibles actions against these nations, when he put out the order to not have compassion for them, and the israelites were ordered to put to death, man as well as woman, child as well as suckling...??
For someone who has limited his dealings with his human creation he hasn't half interfered alot. He used his spirit creatures to prevent reaccess to the garden of Eden. He made the ground hard to work so it was hard to grow food. He made childbirth painful (he never warned about this when warning about eating of the fruit!). He then Killed cain for murdering his brother, yes he did that himself. He killed isrealites directly or by his spirit creature for worshipping a golden calf. More positively he directly protect Damiel and his chums in Babylon. He enabled Sarah and Abraham to have kids when they were ancient.Ahhh the list is endless. Not forgetting overcoming Mary's biology inorder to implant his son as an embryo.
Yeah, it is weak and you are right, but if that can be overlooked just for a moment, would you think that there could be any hint of justification in the murderous decree that the god of the bible set out for Samuel and Saul, taking into account the probability of the acclaimed ‘criminal gene’ ..??
assuming the bible true:.
thinking of the story of the way that jehovah, through samuel and saul, dealt with the amalekites; with the discovery of the criminal gene, could this justify the god of the bibles actions against these nations, when he put out the order to not have compassion for them, and the israelites were ordered to put to death, man as well as woman, child as well as suckling...??
If there is such a gene, and god is all powerful then surely he could have terminated the progression of it by making it a recessive gene or made the bearers infertile. Surely that is far more humane and morally preferable to genocide.
I quite agree Cantleave, but if we are to buy into the idea that the god of the bible is limited with his dealings with his human creation, being that he is ‘just so wonderfully perfect’ and can’t lower his righteous standards so as to deal with mankind, then could it be justified that this was in fact the way of achieving that aim, to cull the bad genes from the planet..??
I know that it is a very weak argument, being that there are other examples in the bible that show that god can and did have direct dealings with earths subjects, but see if you can answer the above argument for a bit without taking this thought into consideration….